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The Media Library

In this video, we are going to see how you can manage your media files like images, audio, and video using the Media Library in WordPress.

In this video, you’ll learn how to use the Media Library in WordPress to manage, edit, or delete media files that you’ve previously uploaded to your site.

Over time, you’ll probably upload dozens—if not hundreds—of images and other files to your WordPress site. So, the Media Library will become increasingly important.

The Media Library helps you to view, edit, or delete media that you’ve previously uploaded to your blog in one handy place.

You can also use the built-in Image Editor to make simple edits to your uploaded images. You can crop, rotate, or flip images, if you need to.

Covered in this video:

  • Toggling between List View and Grid View to view your uploaded files.
  • How to attach a file to a page or post for future use.
  • How to crop, rotate, or flip images using the built-in Image Editor.

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