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Text Blocks

In this video, you’ll learn how to use Text Blocks in WordPress to add a lists, quotes, tables, and more.

Throughout the course of this series, you’ve already learned how to use the Block Editor in WordPress to create content for pages — or posts — using the most common text and image blocks. By now, you know how to add a Paragraph Block, a Heading Block, an Image, Audio File, Video, and even a downloadable PDF file. So, in this video and the next several lesson, we’ll take a closer look at some of the other blocks that are included by default.

In this video:

  • Recap of how to find new Blocks for use in your content.
  • How to add a List Block.
  • How to add a Quote Block.
  • Available styles for beautiful quotes.
  • How to create a Pullquote for even more visual interest.
  • How to add a Code Block.
  • How to add a Preformatted Text Block.
  • How to add a Verse Block.
  • How to add a Classic Editor Block.
  • How to add a Table Block.

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