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Creating and Editing Pages

This tutorial video demonstrates how to create a new page in WordPress, or edit existing pages.

Page is another tool to add content to a WordPress site and is often used to present “static” content that doesn’t change very often. A good example of a page is the information typically contained in “About Us” or “Contact Us” pages. Pages should not be confused with posts. Pages live outside of the normal blog chronology, and as such, are not displayed with the rest of your posts, but are displayed individually.

Covered in this video:

  • Reviewing the difference between Pages and Posts.
  • How to create a new page in WordPress.
  • How to edit and delete pages using the Pages > Edit sub-panel.
  • How to bulk edit or delete multiple pages at the same time.
  • Using the Quick Edit tool to quickly change page details.
  • How to change the order in which your pages are listed.
  • How to file, or “nest” pages underneath a parent page.
  • Using the WYSIWYG editor to add and edit pages.

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