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How to Create Pages

So far we’ve talked almost exclusively about posts but WordPress also enables you to create pages so in this video we are going to apply all the lessons we’ve learned about the editor to create a new page.

In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and edit Pages on your WordPress website for static content like your About or Contact pages.

Pages are separate from your blog, so they’re not displayed with your Posts, but instead individually. You can build an entire website that’s made up only of pages. Or, you can create an entire website that’s only a blog. You don’t have to include a blog in your website. But in most cases, it’s a good idea to include both, especially for connecting with your audience, and for better search engine rankings.

In a later video, you’ll learn how to use a static page as your WordPress homepage.

In this video:

  • Recap of the differences between Pages and Posts in WordPress.
  • How to create a new Page in WordPress.
  • Adding a Featured Image to a Page.
  • Enabling Discussion, or comments on your Pages.
  • Using the All Pages screen to managed, edit, or delete Pages you’ve already created.

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