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Customize Your Theme

In this video, we are going to take a closer look at the customizer and talk about how to change the look of your WordPress site. WordPress uses themes to determine the overall design of a site including the layout colors and typography. There are thousands of themes to choose from enabling you to build just about any type of site you can imagine from a personal blog to a business site or even e-commerce.

In this video, you’ll learn how to use the WordPress Customizer to configure the options for your website, upload a logo, personalize the colors, and even add custom CSS to personalize the design of your site.

WordPress uses themes to determine the overall design of a site, including the layout, colors, and typography. There are thousands of themes to choose from, enabling you to build just about any type of site you can imagine, from a personal blog to a business site, or even eCommerce. But chances are, you’ll still want to personalize your theme to match your brand or personal style.

The WordPress Customizer enables you to make changes to your site’s appearance, and preview those changes before publishing them.

In this video:

  • How to find new themes and even preview them with your content before switching.
  • How to add a Logo and Site Icon to your site.
  • How to edit the colors used throughout your site.
  • How to add custom CSS to modify the colors, layout, or typography used in your site.
  • How to preview your changes on desktop computers, tablets, and even mobile devices.
  • How to share your proposed design changes with others before making them live.
  • How to schedule your design changes to be automatically applied at a future date and time.

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